Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Lights

The other night we drove through the Christmas lights at Cape County Park.  Brynn has really been into the lights this year...anytime we see Christmas lights she will point and say "Kwismis wights!  Beautiful!"  Emory was snoozing away in her car-seat in the back, and once we got into the park and starting looking we let Brynn sit up front with us.  She really liked it...we actually had to drive through twice!  HA! 

For the drive, Brynn was wearing Christmas jammies, and she wanted me to wear Christmas PJ's too.  I told her I didn't have any, so I looked through my old sweaters and found this red sparkly one.  I asked her if I should wear this with my PJ pants.  She said "it wooks wike parkly!" fabulous outfit was born!

Then she was so proud that she had a little water bottle, and we had to take a bunch of pictures of her holding the water bottle...crack me up!

On our second trip around the park, Daddy let Brynn help drive!

And she had to show off her water bottle again...

Yeah, somehow this year instead of driving around drinking hot chocolate, we drove around with a tiny water bottle...Merry Christmas!  HA!

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