Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Corn on the Cob - New Favorite Food

Someone has a MAJOR new FAVORITE food...Brynn has been LOVING corn on the cob.  A couple of weeks ago she had it for the first time, and it was such a big hit that we've had to have it several more times.  Ryan and I have always loved it, especially during the summer, but I guess every other time we've had it we've cut it off the cob and let her eat it just like regular corn on her plate.  For some reason we decided we'd let her try it like mommy and daddy and she stayed glued to that piece of corn for about 15 minutes!  It was picked CLEAN when she was done!

After I took this picture she said "I won see picture mommy!"
Then after she saw it she said "take my picture 'gin!" (again)
 We had to take MULTIPLE pictures of her eating corn on the cob, and each time she asked to see her picture and for me to take her picture again.  Not only was it funny watching her eat the corn, we were cracking up that she could actually understand and verbalize that she wanted to look at the picture and to have it taken again...just one of those things like "where did she learn this?"

Notice the corn in the air...she ate SO much of it...then she wanted the extra piece we had
and she started eating that one too!

We may just need to keep working on the weird smile...HA!

She is a hoot...she was in such a funny mood and her faces were cracking us up!  And I'm really glad she loves summer foods as much as we do!

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