Sunday, June 16, 2013

BEST Birthday!

On Thursday I celebrated birthday #28!!  I think I used to think that was really old, but now that I'm there it seems pretty young!  HA!  I have to say, it was the best birthday I can remember in awhile...which is funny because I did nothing extravagant.  It was a very simple, low-key day, but I just felt so special and very blessed all day.    

Ryan left early that morning to go workout so I got up around 7 with my alarm.  I always come out and make a cup of decaf coffee, then do my Bible Study, catch up on reading blogs and checking email, etc. before Brynn gets up.  I walked into the kitchen to turn on the coffee maker and found a card and DVD from my hubby...the very DVD I had wanted for Mother's Day (but got my skillet instead! HA!)

Then Ryan dropped by about 7:10 and surprised me with an Egg McMuffin and a Fruit and Yogart Parfait before heading off to work!  YAY!  I'm really not into crazy extravagant gifts, so these were the PERFECT gifts!  I enjoyed my alone time in the morning, and then Brynn woke up about 8:30.  When I went into her room...I saw this sitting out on the floor!

Ryan had helped her color on a card the night before and they left it to surprise me...hubby was earning some major points!  (I'm thinking the Mother's Day skillet debacle was a great wake-up call!  HA!)  Brynn was so funny...I said "what is that?  Is that a card for mommy?"  She has been telling me "Happy Birthday" for about a week, so she said "happy birthday mommy!  For you!"  Then she wanted to help me open it.

We had a great morning at home and then ran by the cell phone place. (Mine was available for an upgrade and had been on the fritz for awhile, so I had to get a new one the day before.  I had to run it by the place to get them to switch my pictures over.) Then we stopped by the gym for a very quick little walk, before meeting our friends at the Water Park at 11.  It was like 75 degrees and really cold, but that didn't stop the girls from running around like crazy...I bet Brynn ran the equivalent of a mile around the splash pad area!   

I don't know if the pregnancy hormones were getting to me or what, but watching her run around and have the time of her life just made my heart feel so full.  It was so much fun!  And the next picture might be one of my favorites EVER!

Was also feeling so blessed to be spending part of my day with one of my best friends and her little girls!!

The day before was 95 degrees, and the day we went a cold front came through and it was 75!  After awhile,
the girls were COLD and we decided to head to lunch!
 We headed to Panera and the girls were SO GOOD!  I think Jennilee and I had like a REAL conversation over lunch!

During naptime the AC guy came to fix our air conditioner and my cousin came over to look at our carpet situation downstairs...nothing gets you out of "birthday fantasy day" and back to real life like dealing with all the things that are falling apart around your house, huh?  HA!  I was still able to take a little catnap and mess around on the computer for a bit before Brynn got up.  Then we played and worked on a craft project for Emory's room before Ryan got home from work.

Still a work in progress...but I am enjoying starting on a few fun little projects for her room.
Ryan had secretly talked to my mom and we had a little birthday dinner over there with all of my favorite foods!  His parents and my grandparents also came over, and even though it was so simple (and my child wanted to sit on my lap during the whole meal!) it was just such a wonderful nice that I didn't take any pics...darn!  I can't really put my finger on it, but it was just such a special day.  When we got home we were listening to some of Brynn's "kiddie" songs and we sat in the car for like ten minutes singing silly songs with Brynn!

I don't have to mention that the car was OFF at this point, right?  HA!

A week ago we found out that a good friend from college suddenly passed away from a heart attack (he was 28), leaving his wife, two kids, and third child on the way.  Since then I feel like we've really just tried to be grateful for EVERY day...we aren't promised tomorrow, and each day is a gift from God.  I feel so blessed to have had the day we had, and to celebrate and spend time with each other.  I had a wonderful day, and so many of you called, sent a text, or sent a message on facebook to help me celebrate!  THANK YOU! Here is to year number 28!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It was removed because I misspelled a word! What I said WAS: I am glad your day was so special. We can't always explain our emotions but feeling contented and happy is such a blessing. You know I love your family and think you and Ryan are wonderful parents. I only wish Brynn and Mollie could be buddies. Maybe they will one day.
