Wednesday, November 28, 2012

20 months!! (and 19 too!)

On Thanksgiving Day, this little cutie turned 20 months old!  (I absolutely CANNOT believe that means she will be 2 in four months!  That blows my mind!  For some reason I can see Ryan and I as parents of a baby, but it seems crazy to think of ourselves as parents of a TWO year-old!)

There isn't a DAY that goes by that Brynn doesn't seem to learn something new, or say something new, or assert a little more independence.  =)  She is growing up so fast and is just the MOST incredible little thing (not that I'm biased or anything!)  Here are a few things from the last month...

  • She weighs about 25ish pounds.
  • Wears a size 5 diaper, size 5 or 6 shoe, and wears 18-24 month clothes.
  • She has 12 teeth...all of them except her incisors and last set of molars.  But a top and bottom incisor both JUST cut through.  I"m sure it will be a little while before they are all the way in, but you can feel that they've cut through the gums.  The other two are right there.
  • Her sleeping has been really good.  She's at this age where even if something wakes her up at night (like her teeth...that's happened a couple of times in the last month) I can go in, give her tylenol and rub some oragel on her teeth, and say "it's not time to get up yet, so lay back down and mommy will come get you in the morning" and she lays right back down.  (I'm sure our next child won't be this good of a sleeper so I'm going to enjoy it now!  HA!)  I cannot say enough how thankful I am for her sleeping!  And the last couple of weeks it almost seems like she's rearranged her sleeping a little bit...instead of sleeping until 8 or 8:30 she's usually up by 7:30 or 8 and seems to take an hour longer nap??  Interesting.
  • She is jabbering up a STORM!  I have no idea how many words she knows, but it's a LOT!  She knows a LOT of names of people, and a ton of other words.  Tonight we were laughing because Ryan said "I bet she knows 500 words!"  (Of course she doesn't know THAT many...) but I said "no way" and so he started holding up things and having her say them.  She got all of them right, and each time we started laughing more and more.  When he held up the jar of jelly and she said "jeh-ee" I was DYING!  I think she is one smart little cookie!
  • POTTY - Who would have thought she would love to use the potty!  We got her a little pink potty (post coming soon) just because she's shown such an interest in it.  We are in NO WAY attempting to potty train, but if a kid wants to sit on the potty and make some pee-pee then I'm NOT going to stand in the way of that!  The last couple of days she still pees and poops in her diaper all the time, but she also wants to sit on the potty and every time she CAN and WILL pee-pee in it!  She's sat on it and gone about 6 times in a row!  
  • Mama's Girl - The last couple of weeks she has really been into MOMMY!  Sometimes she won't even let Ryan hold her...she just will say "mommy!"  One night she even pointed for Ryan to sit at a different spot for dinner...oh my!
  • She is really good about praying for dinner...if we forget she will say "pay" (pray) and put her hands together.  That's pretty bad when your child has to remind you....
  • She LOVES to parents have a keyboard that plays all these songs and she LOVES to go down there and dance.  That's a big favorite of hers right now.
  • She still doesn't watch much TV independently...she will watch stuff on the DVD player in the car, but at home I don't think she has sat more than about 4 minutes to watch something...DARN!  I'm hoping this changes soon.  =)  I would LOVE for her to sit and watch even 10 minutes of something while I'm cooking!  She does LOVE Elmo ("Melmo")  and Abby from Sesame Street.  She loves for me to turn it on but just doesn't sit and watch much of it.
  • She really likes to do things herself and frequently will say "no, me!" because she wants to try to brush her own teeth or put on her own shoes.  We've had to get out the "no no spoon" several times over this!  HA!
  • She knows several colors!  She doesn't say them right all the time, but about 75% of the time she can correctly identify (wow...that sounds like my inner kindergarten teacher doing report cards) blue ("boo"), green ("neen"), purple ("puh-ple"), pink ("peek"), and yellow (lel-ooow).  It is really crazy to me how she knows that!
The last few months have just flown by as we've enjoyed fall and the beginning of all the fall and winter holidays.  I'm enjoying my time home with her SO MUCH (but I also love subbing part time...I feel like I have the best of both worlds!).  My heart has just been so full with how special she is and how blessed we are to be her parents.  There is never a dull moment with little Brynnie around!

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