I've had some pictures on my phone and figured I'd go ahead and post them. They are completely random, but oh so cute!
We were at Chic-Fil-A and they gave Brynn this "cow" hat. She is so funny. At home she likes to put it on and she will say "mooooo!" |
Last Thursday we stopped by some dorms at SEMO to pass out water bottles to the freshmen moving in. (Actually, my parents and Ryan's parents lead the college group at church and THEY, along with some other people from our church, were passing out the water bottles. We just walked around and watched.) It was so nostalgic watching the kids move in...it felt like yesterday that I was that anxious college freshman moving my stuff into the dorm. Thankfully God blessed me with an amazing roommate (shout-out to Alicia!!) and my four years at Mizzou couldn't have been better.
Thursday also happened to be the first day for kids at most nearby schools, and I was thinking about my teacher friends welcoming all the new kindergarteners, and all the kindergarten kids and their parents, and what it would feel like to be taking your child to kindergarten for the first time. Then I looked around the college and thought, "holy cow...what would it feel like to drop your child off at COLLEGE!" I just want to soak up all the time we have now, because I'm sure it will feel like no time when I'm dropping Brynn off at kindergarten, or taking her to Mizzou (wishful thinking...although 3 hours will probably seem too far away and I'll want her to stay close to me...ha!)
Whose child wore a full-fledged Mizzou outfit (hairbows, dress, and Mizzou shoes) to watch the SEMO kids move in? MY CHILD! I'm not an extremely proud alumni or anything... I think I was just in a "college-y" mood or something. |
Let me tell you, we were working so hard passing out all those water bottles...HA! |
Oh the nostalgia of college move-in days... |
We hung out with Ansley and Baby Charli at Pamaw's later in the week...all Brynn wants to do is give Charli her paci and kiss all over her...I always ask her to kiss mommy after she kisses Charli but she never wants to kiss me as much...darn!
This only happens 1,234,567 times in the course of Brynn's time with Charli... |
I know the quality of these pictures isn't that great...but the memories they capture definitely are! (Okay...that sounded really cheesy, but I'm really serious!!)
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