We are really getting into the football spirit around here...THANK GOODNESS! I just love football so much and I am so excited its finally that time of year again.
Last night Mizzou's tickets went on sale for their first ever SEC game, which is against Georgia on September 8. One of our best friend's from college, Guthrie, is engaged to a girl who graduated from Georgia (and was their homecoming queen too...whoa!) They are flying in for the game, and we are meeting up with them. So last night we got online to TRY to buy tickets. It was hilarious...they went on sale at 6, and we knew it was going to be crazy with so many thousands of people trying to buy them, so we had a 3-way conference call going on between me, Guthrie, and Ryan (who was just getting off work but stayed at work to use their computer). Anyway - you should have heard us...Guthrie was saying "okay, Whitney, refresh your screen in five, four, three, two, one, now go Ryan, etc." FINALLY it worked and we scored tickets for the four of us...we were hooting and hollering in the phone! SO EXCITED ABOUT THAT GAME!
Then Ryan got home and we ate a quick supper and headed to Central's first football game of the year. One of Ryan's friends from work is also the trainer for Central's football team, so he put us on the pass list to get in. We got there and walked up to the pass gate and there was a lady sitting there with no pass list. She said "are you coming through the pass gate?" Ryan said "yeah" and she says "oh, you guys are teachers, huh?" Ryan said "no, we're here with the trainers" and she was like "oh, awesome, go on in." HAHA! I thought about calling everyone and saying "hey, if you want to get in to the Central game just go through the pass gate and say you are a teacher! HA! We had such a good time and Brynn LOVED watching everything. Can't wait to go back soon!
Brynn was all dressed up in her Mizzou outfit while we were trying to get our George tickets! |
We found a row that was pretty empty and she was going back and forth pulling down all the seats and playing around...I'm sure the people around us were not amused... |
My poor Dad (who is a football junkie...and who instilled in me such a LOVE for the game of football) has been sick for almost a week! (I seriously think he might have West Nile...what grown man has a fever of 103?) Anyway - he was so bummed he couldn't go to the game, but hopefully next week he can join us. We sent him updates and pictures...
I sent this picture to my dad and said "I guess she has some Pingel blood in her... she's mesmerized by the football game!" |
A few of these are from Ryan's camera... |
She was pointing to the big speaker...she loved when they played the loud rap music before kickoffs...she kept pointing and saying "more, more." HA! |
She kept pointing and waving at one point during the game. I couldn't figure out what she was pointing at and then I looked down and the Tiger mascot was walking around. She watched that Tiger and waved to him for a solid five minutes, until he walked away and she couldn't see him anymore. When we left, we saw the Tiger and took her over there. She kept waving, and gave him a high five, but she didn't want to let him hold her! HA! |
The first half didn't get over until about 8:30, so we watched the band play their halftime show (mom, just so you know, she LOVED the band as much as you...she was waving and clapping the whole time) and then headed home. I think she was so worn out she just sat in the stroller all the way back to the car and didn't move a muscle...HA! |
We had such a fun Friday...if it's full of football, it can't get much better!