Merry Christmas! We had a WONDERFUL day, celebrating at church and then with our families!
Christmas morning when we went in to get Brynn up she was pulling up on her crib for the first time! Guess somebody was excited! |
Making Christmas morning coffee on our new Kuerig coffee maker! (For the record...I had taken a shower and put some make--up on, but hadn't fixed my hair yet! HA!) |
Ryan starting our family tradition of reading the Christmas story before presents. |
Stocking time! This is terrible, but we never bought Brynn a stocking this year! We have a Mizzou one downstairs so we just used it...hopefully before next year we will get stockings for all of us. |
What's in my stocking? (Bibs, yogart melts, a book, and two new pairs of leggings!) |
Love those yogart melts! |
YAY! Now my legs might actually fit in my leggings (hers were starting to look like those capri workout pants they were getting so short!) |
We only got Brynn her stocking and one present (we knew she would get plenty from grandparents and family). She started pulling the paper and then decided she was more interested in pulling up and playing with her nativity set! HA! |
Now she's interested again...and yes (especially to my PAC friends) this is a CABBAGE PATCH DOLL! (I have a couple of friends who are slightly obsessed with them!) |
Looking at the baby. |
Kisses (aka open mouth slobber) for the baby. |
I don't know if you can tell in the picture, but the name of this Cabbage Patch Doll is "Bren Elisa". We got it because every single Cabbage Patch doll has a different name and THIS ONE HAPPENED TO BE IN CAPE GIRARDEAU...and Brynn's name is Brynn Elise! Nonna called us earlier in November and told us "you better get to Toys R Us right now because they have a Cabbage Patch that has Brynn's almost exact name and there isn't another one like that anywhere in the world!" HA! |
Brynn and Daddy with their gifts...Brynn got daddy some toenail clippers (haha) and some new work socks (long story wonderful husband does not do a good job of cutting his toenails...gross I know...but then he gets terrible holes in his dress socks. I decided he can either cut his toenails or never get new socks again! HAHA!) We also got him a gift certificiate to his favorite bike/triathlon store. |
I got a gift card to get our blog made into a blog book (so excited!) and an Erin Condren planner...which I am slightly obsessed with!
We opened our family presents before church, and then went to our church's 9:00 service because they had the nursery available and Brynn could nap. Our service was really good...then it was time to head to Ryan's aunt's house to celebrate with his side of the family.
Family picture after church. |
Playing around before lunch...she was having a big ole' time! |
Miss Cheesy! Can you see her two little front teeth? |
She loved Aunt Kim's puppy! |
After lunch we read the Christmas story and then opened presents and played "Dirty Santa" with gift cards. (Brynn didn't get to get in on the present opening action...she was taking a nap in her pack n play downstairs in the bathroom! HAHA! Thank you God for such a great napper!) |
Then around 3 we left Ryan's family and drove to Oran to spend time with my mom's side of the family. We got there just in time for presents.
Brynn and Ryan opening up their gifts. |
It truly is more fun to give than to receive...we were SO EXCITED for my grandparents gift. The grandkids put together a photo book for them. Everyone (their three daughters, son-in-laws, and all their grandkids/grandkids spouses/future spouses) wrote them a letter about special memories and the way my grandparents have impacted them, and we put pictures in it, etc. It was AWESOME! Merry Christmas Grandma and Grandpa...we love you so much! |
Grandkids hanging out...Erika, Morgan, Ryan, Tab, etc. |
Ty, Tori, Brynn, Ryan, and Erika |
We all headed home around 8...I seriously think Brynn fell asleep in the 30 seconds it took to pull out of my grandparents driveway! HA! We had such a wonderful day celebrating what Christmas is truly about, and also stuffing our faces with delicious food and enjoying time with family! Merry Christmas!
i can't even believe that about the CPK doll?!?! that's seriously crazy.