Saturday was Brynn's 7 month birthday!
Happy 7 months big girl!
This month has been so fun!
- Brynn weighs about 17 or 18 pounds.
- She is wearing size 2 and size 3 diapers (we have both kinds so we usually put her in the 3's at night).
- She is wearing 6-9 month clothes.
- New this month...she is really reaching for people! She is also starting to "eat" puffs and we tried a very simple Sippy Cup the day she turned 7 months, although she thinks it is a teething toy right now! HA!
- She loves to pull on hair and grab people's faces. Sometimes she sucks on our is so funny!
- Some toys she loves are the caterpillar that hangs from her carseat, her soft "baby", and her stacking cups and fabric blocks. She likes to hold the little stacking cup and put it in her fingers and do this funny little move with her fingers. She LOVES peekaboo and most of the times it makes her cackle!
- Her naps are really good, but her night sleep hasn't been the greatest. Within the last two weeks she has woken up in the middle of the night or early in the morning several times. I don't know if it is teething or if she is just in a quirky phase, but we haven't gotten up this much since she was 7 weeks old! AHHH!
- She is army crawling and can pretty much get all over the place by scooting herself around.
- Her typical day goes something like...wake up a few minutes before 7, get ready for Nonna's, at Nonna's she takes a 5 oz. bottle and then has cereal and fruit. She takes a morning nap for about an hour or an hour and a half, usually starting at 9. She eats "lunch" (4 or 5 oz. bottle and veggies) around 11:30. She takes her afternoon nap from about 1-3ish. I pick her up a little before 4 and we come home, unload, change into comfy clothes, and then she nurses around 4:15. Then she has veggies and fruit. Early in the month she was taking a catnap from about 5:30-6:15, but lately we have started waking her up after about 20-30 minutes because she is probably going to get rid of that nap soon. Then she has cereal around 6:30, and I nurse at 8:15 or 8:30 and put her down for the night.
- She is just such a happy and content baby! She is so smiley and pleasant and people comment all the time on how happy she seems and what a good baby she is! YAY! And they are right...she is such a happy little thing! We are so in love with her little personality!


She is just getting to be such a BIG girl! We love you SO MUCH Brynn!
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