Monday, October 10, 2011

100TH POST! Fall Decorations and Pink-Eye

This is my 100th post!  WOW!  I really want to get my blog made into a blog book...hint hint to my husband as a Christmas present!  (Has anyone ever done that?)  I am so thankful to my friends and family who encouraged me to start one.  It has seriously been the BEST way to chronicle our lives. 

I was at home today!  Brynn woke up with pink-eye so I called in to use a sick day.  We got her medicine this morning and had such a wonderful day together!  While she was napping this afternoon I snapped some pictures of our house decorated for fall.  I think it will be so interesting to look back in 10 or 20 years and see what our decorations look like.  I'm sure our children will laugh at how "old-fashioned" or dorky our house was.  Who knows?  By then trends will have changed and I'm sure I will laugh too.

Our kitchen...not much in here.  Just some little pumpkins in a glass trifle bowl and a fall candle.  One thing I DREAM of having someday is a PANTRY!  That will be amazing! 

Dining Room...guess there really isn't a whole lot of "fall" in here.

This is kind of the "view" looking in from the front door. 

My dad built this console table that's right when you walk in the front door.  Didn't he do such a good job?  I love it!  We found the plans on this website that shows you how to build "knock-off" versions of Pottery Barn furniture.  These were actually plans for some bookshelves I think.  The Pottery Barn ones cost over $400...Dad built it for $40!  We had so much fun distressing it, but my mom couldn't believe we would take a "brand new beautiful piece of furniture and scrape it and make it look old!" 

So here is my latest crafty creation.  I found this on Etsy and I thought it was so cute.  I also saw something similar at Pottery Barn Kids.  So I tried my hand at making it and I really like how it turned out.  I couldn't really figure out where I wanted to put it, but I thought this would be a cute spot.  HOWEVER..I showed my sister a picture and her comment was "uhh...maybe you could put it in the basement."  Then Ryan got home and I asked him what he thought and he said "I think it might just take some time to get used to it."  HAHA!  Gotta love their honesty.  I really like it, but maybe I'm crazy.  My sister thought it didn't really go with our decor...but now that we have a child I feel like I can put some "kid" stuff in our house...I don't know. 

The front of our house isn't super decorated but we have a fall wreath out and some mums.  I don't know that I had ever taken a picture of the front of our house until I took this one.

To my PAC friends (nickname for my college group of friends)...hope that makes up for the time I was supposed to email you guys pictures of our house 3 years ago! HA!  I know there aren't pictures of every room...but maybe I'll get around to it eventually.


  1. So cute, btw: I love the banner. ;) Also if people wanted pictures of the house...that doesn't count. Ha!

  2. Your house is cute! I like the banner!

  3. I enjoyed the tour! Your house is darling and I like the banner! And I so get distressing new furniture!
