This past Friday, July 22, Brynn turned 4 months old! WOW!
Here are some special things about Brynn's 4th month...
- You weigh 14 lbs., 9 oz. (75%) and are 25 1/4 inches long (85%). You are wearing size 2 diapers.
- Mommy LOVES nursing you and you have been exclusively breast-fed since day 1! YAY! Thankfully you take bottles (of mommy's milk) very well too!
- You rolled over a few days before you turned 4 months, but still only from tummy to back so far. You are trying so hard to make it from your back to your tummy, but usually just end up on your side.
- Your clogged tear duct finally cleared up on its own! We are so excited that it doesn't get all gunky for you.
- You are smiling and laughing all the are so happy and content. People tell us all the time what a happy baby you are and in the church nursery they always tell us you were so good!
- You are now nursing about 5 times a day, usually every 3 1/2 hours, and eating rice cereal after your 7:00 feeding and after 5:30 (when your daddy loves to feed you!)
- I nurse you at 9:00 pm before bed and then we swaddle you and put you down. We wake you up every morning at 7:00 am. Daddy loves to go in and wake you up. He lets you lay there for a few minutes and then changes you and then you are ready to nurse.
- You are really starting to grab for things. You will hold them with your hands, even mommy's face. It is so cute!
- You sit in the bumbo! You usually always sit in the bumbo while we eat supper.
- We started swaddling you with one hand out during the day and with both hands out at night, just in case you roll over. Maybe it is coincidence or maybe it's because of your arm out, but your naps have been weird the last couple of weeks. You seem to have trouble getting over the 45 minute mark. We have tried some things that have helped, like giving you the paci, and lots of times you will go back to sleep. Your last couple of naps are usually just cat naps.
1 month |
2 months |
3 months |
We love you soooooo much and can't believe God gave us YOU as a precious gift. You are the best thing in the whole world!
I cannot believe she's already 4 months old!! I can hear your happiness about your successful breastfeeding relationship and it makes me happy. :) Keep up the great work - you should be proud!
ReplyDeleteI LOVED breastfeeding. It was so nice to be able to have that bonding time with Stratton. It's so nice that you have such a great support system too. She is so dang cute! You're doing awesome with the breastfeeding!I breast fed until Stratton was 10 months old. It is SO worth it considering formula is so expensive. Hope to see you at Lynwood soon. Stratton and I are going to come next Sunday.
ReplyDeleteShe is a cutie!!
ReplyDeleteShe is precious!