Wednesday, June 4, 2014

House Update - June 1

I really hope these house posts aren't boring everyone...I just know we are going to love looking back and watching it progress.  Lots of people have told me to take LOTS of pictures so we are!

This week they are supposed to completely finish the decking on the roof and put on the shingles, starting on Tuesday!  WHOA!  

We FINALLY picked a shingle color.  For the last couple of weeks I feel like we have been driving around looking at EVERYONE'S roofs.  We originally thought we were going to do something a little more neutral (see our neighbor's roof in the house's a really nice neutral that looks good on everything).  But as we've been picking out colors of siding and stuff, I notice that I'm always drawn to a deeper khaki/brown siding.  ALWAYS.  I LOVE it.  (There are several houses that we drive by and I always just LOVE them).  But I kept thinking "well, but maybe we should go lighter because what if we don't like it later or people think it's too dark."  And then I had this moment of like "no...we are going to do what we like."  I don't want to pick out stuff that's more "safe."  At the end of the day, if I always love certain colors, I don't want to be mad at myself for not choosing what we like.  And those houses that have the colors we like have black roofs and it really contrasts and looks great.  Definitely didn't start out thinking we'd go with a black roof, but WE ARE.  And I am really excited.  So here are the last pictures of our house WITHOUT shingles...

Driving to the house you always see the back...

Then come around the side...

The's not quite finished.  They have to add an "eyebrow" (I'm learning all kinds of new words), which is this little roofline thing above the two windows in the second floor.

It's been rainy and it's COVERED in water.  We were like "uhh, can all this water just SIT on here?"  AHH!

We used to look up and see straight there are lots of boards and decking!

See Ryan below?? HA!

And since it had been raining, boards were dripping and Brynn thought it was really fun to stick her head under the drips...OH BROTHER!



  1. It's going to be beautiful! When do you think you will get to move in?

  2. You know what, amazing house updates don't get me tired. I love seeing houses constructed from foundation up and I really think there's something magical about all of it! Anyway, your house is looking all kinds of awesome. I'm loving the floor plan and I can just imagine the look of it after it's all finished. I'm just quite concerned that there's a body of water just right at the back of it, though. Stay safe!

    Arthur Bryant @ Contractor Express
