Sunday, February 23, 2014

Saturday - Valentine Breakfast

Last Saturday, the day after Valentine's Day, we had a family "Valentine Breakfast".  Since Ryan has to leave for work before the girls are up (and since Valentine's Day was during the week) we couldn't really do anything on the actual day.  When they got up we had little presents and we made breakfast and ate together.  It was such a fun morning with the girls!

Brynn started the morning by looking at all her school valentines AGAIN.  (She will dump them out and she remembers who gave her her "favorite" ones.  "This one from Syndney.  This one from Car-litt.  Where mine from JoJo?"  It's a little uncanny how she remembers which one is from who.)  So she played with her Valentines while we started breakfast.

Emory was getting in on the Valentine fashion...

We got the girls a couple little things and Brynn was SO EXCITED for her Doc McStuffins book and a Princess puzzle.  Emory got a  couple of board books too.  I think she was excited for something new to chew on...HA!

Notice the Doc McStuffins purple headband that came with the book (on Brynn).  She put it on herself and
was so proud!
I wanted to have Red Velvet pancakes because I found a recipe in the Pioneer Woman's cookbook and thought it would be so fun!  BUT...when I was in Aldi's and found a kit for Red Velvet pancakes where all you had to do was add water and a couple things...SCORE.  We took advantage of that instead . With two little girls...that made things a LOT simpler and they still tasted delicious!

Red Velvet pancakes, turkey bacon, and strawberries for the Valentine Breakfast WIN!

Poor Emory doesn't have a bib with an E.  We are pretending the B is for Bandermann.
Second child problems...  

She has inherited her Grandpa Dale's chubby baby cheeks for sure!
And of course it just wouldn't be one of my blog posts without a picture of shirtless Ryan...right Erika?  And he has some awesome hair to go along with it.  He said the other day "why do you keep putting pictures of me up without a shirt."  Well Ryan, if you continue to do everything SHIRTLESS and see me with my camera, you know you have to either put a shirt on or quit complaining about it.  Clearly, he hasn't learned yet.

Brynn got to try Daddy's coffee...

and some spray whipped cream...things were getting a little crazy....HA!

We were all sitting there together just talking and having a GREAT breakfast and it was just one of those "moments" know how there are times where something is going on and you think "this is something I'll remember...this is really special" was like that.  I looked at Ryan and here we are with our two little girls, having a special Valentine breakfast with/for them and I said "these are the moments, huh?"  And so then he busts out in his rendition of "these are the moments"....HILARIOUS!

I don't know if Emory was very impressed...
And then photographer Brynn took a picture of Zoolander (I mean Ryan) and Emory...

After breakfast, I took Brynn to a birthday party for one of her little buddies, and Ryan ran a couple of errands with Emory.  Then we met for lunch at my mom's house because Mollie and Ory came to town for the weekend and were staying with my parents.  (They were college students when my parents worked in the college department at church and became really close to our family.  Mollie lived with my parents for a semester and we've "adopted" her as our third sister!  HA!)  Mollie and Ory got married back in the fall and they live in St. Louis now, but it's SO FUN when they come to town to visit.  Brynn had a BLAST playing with them.  I know they were a little tired of playing hide and seek by the time the weekend was over.  HA! After lunch we took a group picture...I stole this from your Instagram, Mollie.  =)

Later that night Ryan and I had a date at Saffron...YUMMY!  

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