This past weekend my sister and her husband were able to come in town to visit. With Lindsey being a nurse, her work schedule is kind of crazy. She had worked like 8 out of 10 days, but then had several days off in a row. So my mom and grandparents went to Nashville last Tuesday to visit with her and shop, and then she rode home with them on Wednesday night. Then Curt drove to Cape on Friday after work.
So...we got to see "Winzee" (as Brynn says) quite a bit from Thursday on through the rest of the weekend and we took full advantage. Here is a recap of our weekend with "Winzee and Curt."
Thursday morning Lindsey came over and helped Brynn get ready for picture day at school. We all got ready and then we dropped Brynn off at school.
Lindsey and I (and sleeping Emory) headed to Starbucks to just sit and talk and visit. My dad (who works part time driving the shuttle bus for SEMO) was on "fall break" so he joined us a little later.
We headed back to my house and hung out, fed Emory, ate lunch, and did a little shopping before it was time to pick up Brynn from school. We headed over to my parents house to play and eat supper together.
Then on Friday morning we headed to my grandparents house so we could all visit.
Pawpaw got a little snuggle time with Emory. |
In my grandparents little town of 1000 people, golf-carts are a big deal and people drive them around town. So of course we had to take a ride on my grandpa's golf cart. =) Brynn even got to drive. Only in Oran...
We just went for lunch, but my grandma made a roast with potatoes and carrots and gravy, lime jello salad, rolls, fried okra, corn, and apple crisp! OH MY! I sent this picture to Ryan over lunch...he said "DO YOU HAVE TO RUB IT IN?" |
We headed home after lunch so the girls could take naps...then after Ryan got off work we went to my parents to have a BONFIRE! With a newborn, we haven't really done anything like that this fall season, so we decided to have a mini bonfire of our own!
Thanks to Pinterest I made this "pumpkin" veggie tray. |
We were taking a BIG family picture the next morning so we laid all of our clothes out and made sure we liked everything together. =) |
I also made this cheese-ball...thanks Pinterest! It was YUM! Unless you are which case the cream cheese freaks you out so you don't eat it. HA! |
I think they were dancing in this picture?? And don't mind Brynn's clothes...she's in a HUGE dress up phase so she put on this tutu. |
This was our bonfire...HA! |
It really wasn't super cold, but Emory spent 99% of the night inside. But she had to at least come outside so we could say she experienced the bonfire. =) Thanks to Gigi for knitting this adorable little hat. |
Brynn was HILARIOUS! She wanted to roast her own hot dog so we let her (knowing Ryan would probably just have to make her one), and it was too funny! My mom had mentioned that she wanted hers really done, and she must have said she wanted it black, so Brynn says "I like mine black too" and just proceeded to stick it all the way in the bottom and roll it in the ashes. It was HILARIOUS!
She had so much fun! And then we made S'MORES!
The boys were going to set up a tent and "go camping" but it was just too cold for her to sleep out there. So they took a blanket out instead. =)
After the bonfire, we all headed over to our house. My parents put the girls to bed (well...they put Brynn to bed and probably held Emory the whole time...ha!) and let us four "big kids" walk over to watch some filming. I mentioned on here before that they are filming the movie "Gone Girl" here in Cape, and that night they were filming ONE STREET OVER from our house! (If you've read the book, Ben Affleck's character has a twin sister and the sister's house was being filmed one street over from us.) So we walked over and watched. It was SO COOL! We saw Ben Affleck do a million takes of just knocking on her door. It is truly crazy to see how many people, cameras, trucks, trailers, lights, and equipment it takes to film a little scene. It was just nuts!
Saturday morning we had our big family picture. Then my parents headed to Saint Louis for a wedding (Mollie you looked GORGEOUS!) Ryan and I and Emory headed to church because we had a lunch for Emory's baby dedication the next day. Lindsey and Curt hung out with Brynn, and then they all came over to relax and watch the Mizzou game. We got to visit and enjoy the game while the girls napped.
Curt is a hard-core Tennessee fan, and they were playing the same time as Mizzou. We were watching the games back and forth and their game was a NAIL BITER. It ended up coming down to Tennessee trying to kick a field goal for the win. Curt was in a fetal position all over the basement and this is what he looked like during the field goal. THANKFULLY Tennessee WON! YAY!
HAHAHA! But sadly, I TOTALLY understand how he feels. Sometimes I hate how "into" the games I get. =) |
The boys let Lindsey and I have a little bit of girl time (we did a little shopping!) and they watched Brynn and Emory for awhile. Then we all went to Pagliai's to eat pizza for supper. And we may have even headed to Simply Swirled for ice cream afterward...YUM! When we got home Brynn took a quick bath and then Lindsey gave Brynn her first little haircut! For the record, she has NO EXPERIENCE cutting hair, but she just wanted to trim all the dead-ends off. And we decided to let her. YIKES! She actually did a great job!
Brynn was having fun playing with my shirt =) I know it looks like she's playing with my certain "area"...HA!
Ryan was getting the experience on video... |
After they spent pretty much the ENTIRE day with us on Saturday I'm sure they were exhausted. I told them it was probably good birth control....HA!
Sunday morning we got up and had Emory's baby dedication ceremony at church (more on that in a separate post). I was looking at this picture and thought "wow...were Ryan and I holding hands while we were signing the certificate? That's sweet!" Then I realized that's just an optical illusion and I think that's Jennilee's hand behind me? HA!
We headed home and took quick naps before heading back to church at 2:00 for a very special service. As some of you know (and some probably don't), my sister-in-law Sarah was pregnant with their third child. She and Jason lost the baby at 18 weeks, so they had a very special memorial service for sweet little Adler. The service was incredible. I know they are hurting so much, but they are praising the Lord through it all and are just an incredible example to us of following the Lord and trusting Him when things don't make sense. We know we will see our little nephew in Heaven someday.
After the service we headed out to Marble Hill where Adler was buried on a beautiful piece of land that Sarah's parents own. It was a beautiful day and the leaves were gorgeous and you could just feel the Lord's presence in the midst of the suffering. We headed to Sarah's parents cabin for chili and fellowship and it was a special evening.
So thankful for ALL of our families and all the special memories that were made this weekend.