Wednesday, August 14, 2013

When did Brynn turn 15?

Brynn has been saying and doing the funniest things lately...her little personality is really starting to come out!  (Or should I say...continues to come out?)  

The other day I was taking some laundry upstairs.  When I came back downstairs her Dora had finished and was on that screen that is paused and says "do you want to delete this episode?"  She was looking at the TV saying "seriously?  seriously?" with her hands out to the side.  I about died I was laughing so hard!

She has been saying "seriously?" a LOT lately.  Ryan said "where in the world did she get that?"  Then later he says "seriously, why did that guy just park right there." And I said "I guess she hears us say it!"  So he was joking her and saying "seriously? seriously?"  She kept saying it and we were all laughing.  She then turns to me and puts her hands up and says "seriously mom?"  AHHH!  When did she turn 8?

I think (fingers crossed) it's a phase she's almost through, but about a week ago she started calling me "mom" instead of mommy!  NOOOOO!  I quickly started correctly her and saying "remember, I'm mommy!"  HA!  I am not ready to be called "mom" yet!  She would be like "mom...look!"  "Mom...wanna play princess."  And I would say "MOMMY would love to!"  HA!

She's in a big "oh my gosh" kick.  And she says it like she's 15.  Anytime something happens that deserves an "oh my gosh" she will yell it out.  OH. MY. GOSH.  Ansley is really good about saying "Oh my goodness" so we are working on switching to that.

The other night I was putting the dishes away and Brynn and Ryan were watching a few minutes of Tangled.  It was the scene where the water is rushing out and Ryan started laughing and says "Whitney, come in here!"  She was putting her hands over her eyes and saying "oh no! OH NO!"  It was so funny!

At night when we pray she has been saying that Emory wants to pray.  She uses this squeaky high baby voice and puts her hand on my stomach and says (as Emory) "Thank you God for my big sister Bwynn!"  HA!

The other night we had fajitas and we made a can of green beans.  She LOVES green beans and I think she ate 3/4 of the can!  GROSS!  Then she started putting them in her tortilla and eating a "green bean taco."  The grossest (is that a word?) part was that after she ate all the green beans, she tipped the bowl and started DRINKING the green bean juice like it was the milk from her cereal!  I about DIED!

Green Bean Taco!

She needed more green beans in her taco....

She was really proud that she "made" it stuffing her green beans inside!

My grandpa also gave her some raw okra the other day and on the way home she was EATING IT!  She said "yum...takes like green pepper mommy!"  WHAT?  Who is this child?  In all seriousness, I guess I should be thankful she's NOT a picky eater!  HA!

What a FUNNY girl!  But I'm hoping she starts acting two again, instead of 15!

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