At the beginning of January Ryan and I talked about some of the things we wanted to do or do better in the New Year. We didn't have this big serious discussion about specific resolutions, but just generally some things we'd like to do. For some reason the beginning of the New Year does always make it seem like certain goals COULD actually be accomplished, as opposed to deciding on some random day in May that we are going to start keeping our kitchen SUPER organized. (What I mean is, if you decide on May 25 that you are going to keep your kitchen super organized, for some reason I feel like you are probably destined to fail. If you decide it the first week of January, it MIGHT actually work! HA!)
First on Ryan's list? That I have to promise to quit beating him up this year...
Just kidding...he played his FIRST city league basketball game the other night, got home at 10:30 after the game, and the first words out of his mouth were "welp...I'm going to have a black eye for work tomorrow!" HA! Poor guy...and it was ONLY the FIRST game of the season...what can I say? He gets REALLY competitive on the court!
Another SERIOUS resolution is to keep our house more organized. I like to keep things really straightened up, but some of our cabinets and things probably haven't been organized or cleaned out since we were married! It all started back in November when my sweet mother in law (who is a crazy Black Friday shopper) bought us some brand new tupperware on sale. She said "if I get you guys some brand new tupperware would you clean out your tupperware cabinet?" HAHA! Should I be offended? Just kidding, I think she knew how annoyed we were with that cabinet. It was one of those things where you would open the cabinet and pray that things didn't fall out and hit you on the head. Well...back in November we completely cleaned out two cabinets and got rid of ALL the old stuff and put the new stuff in. IT. FELT. AMAZING!
These are from back in November when we cleaned those cabinets out..YIKES! |
AHHH...I feel calm already just looking at that! |
Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago and somehow we just started cleaning out ALL the cabinets. And by we I mean ME (and Brynn). We went through EVERY SINGLE CABINET in our kitchen. I found things I didn't even know we had! A roaster, a was like Christmas!
Brynn would sit there and pull stuff out and bang around... I'm kind of a nerd about stuff like this, but I LOVED doing this! |
I know we won't be able to keep everything perfectly organized forever. Things like the refrigerator INEVITABLY will have to be cleaned out every month or so. But I really do think that our cabinets will stay organized from now on. It feels SO MUCH better getting that done!
Another resolution is to eat lots of healthy fruits and veggies. We eat pretty healthy anyway, but I just want to keep the stuff washed and READY to eat. My new favorite store is Aldi and their produce is GREAT! Brynn LOVES blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and the weirdest thing is that she LOVES raw broccoli. We can buy that stuff so cheaply at Aldi and then wash it and keep it ready to eat in the fridge.
Does that not look DELICIOUS! |
Don't get me wrong...we don't eat this stuff all the time, nor do I have ANY problem with processed mac and cheese cups and hot dogs (that actually sounds really good!). But Ryan comes home for lunch most days, and we almost always have sandwiches, chips and dip with veggies, and usually fresh fruit. Then for supper we don't usually get any of this stuff out. I'll make a casserole and we will open a can of veggies as a side. is SO NICE having all of our stuff washed and ready to grab out of the fridge when he gets home for lunch.
And just for fun...Brynn turns 2 in March, so SURELY by this time next year she will be potty trained? That would be AWESOME!