Last night we celebrated with Ryan's grandma at her new house. She had been living all by herself, but recently moved into this really cool place where she still lives in her own "cottage" but there are a bunch of "cottages" all around, and she can go to the clubhouse and eat meals with other people, etc. So it's kind of a more independent "assisted living" facility if that makes any sense.
Last night was a big "family night party" at the place. The place was packed with the residents, and their children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. We had lots of yummy food, and they even had jump houses for the kids, snow cones, funnel cakes, etc. It was awesome! We loved getting to celebrate with Gigi at her new house and visit with family!
She LOVED the bounce house. She would mostly just sit there and "bounce" herself up and down while making this sound effect "ooo ooo ooo" every time she bounced! HA! |
Walking to the bounce house with Ansley and Aunt Soni |
This was her signature bounce house move...HA! Notice the hairstyle...found it on pinterest and had to try it...the "double" pigtail?? |
Eating in the clubhouse with everyone...I forgot to take a picture of the other table with Aunt Soni, Val, and Ryan's cousins. Sorry guys! |
Ansley had gotten a snow cone and was so sweet to share with Brynn. |
Ansley would say..."Here Bwynny...want some snow cone?" |
Since Daddy got there we had to go back to the bounce house... Ansley's face is hilarious! |
While someone was holding baby Charli, little Miss Priss decided to revert to her infant days and climb in Charli's seat! |
Daddy didn't really help because he was lifting her all over the place and making her laugh! |
Then we headed back to Gigi's cottage to visit a little more. The place is so cute! The front porches are just awesome, and Brynn loved playing outside (she also tried to pick all the American flags out of everyone's yards and carry them around everywhere! HA!) Then Gigi brought her little dog Tippy out and Brynn was so scared of her! Brynn normally LOVES even an 8 foot Great Dane we saw a month ago on the bike trail...but she was so scared of Tippy last night. It was weird...I guess she's getting old enough to be scared of things? I don't know. She would wave at Tippy but as soon as Tippy came close she would start crying and run straight to me. Once she ran all the way to the back of the house crying as Tippy was chasing her! Poor girl...but it was kind of funny at the same time! Two seconds later she would be waving at the dog, and then running away crying again. Oh Brynn...
Tippy was sitting in Gigi's lap at this point...but that was still too close for Brynn. |
Is that dog coming near me? |
Thanks Gigi for a GREAT night! We can't wait for many more visits in your new cottage!
brynn looks so old in these photos! these are the first ones where i feel like she is totally past baby stage and is a little girl! i need to see this sweet face soon :)