Well..it's finally happened. I figured the dreaded ear infection would eventually hit, and it has. Actually, it happened last week (and I meant to blog about it but never got around to it). A couple of weeks ago Brynn started waking up in the middle of the night. Every other night she would wake up and NOT want to lay back down. I realize now that it was probably pressure and pain in her ears. Well finally last Tuesday I was talking to some girls I teach with about it, and wondered if it was a weird sleep issue she was going through when they suggested maybe it was her ears. I hadn't seen her touch them or act fussy really, but figured that could be it. The more I thought about it I really felt like we should take her in. Ryan was off work that day so I made an appoinment, which he thought was crazy. But an hour later I got a text from him that said "mama was right, double ear infection." POOR THING! We got antibiotics and thought we were good to go. She seemed more like herself and slept fine from Tuesday until this Sunday. Then Sunday she was really fussy, and I saw her messing with her ears, and she woke up again in the night really fussy and wouldn't lay down. So...we took her in again today and it's BACK...or rather never fully went away? We are on new antibiotics so hopefully this will take care of it for good. Ahhhh....I think that's one of the hardest things of being a parent, especially at this age. You just have no idea what is wrong...I'm wondering "is she teething? Does she need tylenol?" I think God is probably getting tired of hearing the same prayer from me ALL DAY..."God give me wisdom to know what to do." It is also really makes me thankful I live in this century...you guys are going to crack up but since she's had her ear infection it really makes me think "wow, what did the pioneers do?" They had to wait on Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman to come around once every few months...yikes! Thank you Lord for doctors and medicine!
What post would be complete without a picture? I think I've posted this one before, but can you guess why I am posting it again? OUR MIZZOU TIGERS ARE NUMBER 2 IN THE NATION! Woohooooo! Go Tigers! |
you would make a pioneer/dr. quinn reference, HAHA! oh, i love you :) hope BB is feeling better!
ReplyDeleteoh gosh, we're going through the exact thing with Ada. I didn't know why she wasn't sleeping well, and come to find out she had had a horrible ear infection for awhile! It came back right after we stopped the medicine, and she's finishing up a different, stronger medication. You would think by number 3 I would figure those things out- but nope! :) You're a great mom!