Thursday, May 5, 2011


Yesterday I met Jen on the bike trail...her daughter Taylor was at pre-school so she just had Kellan.  She got out her stroller and I got out mine.  It was the first time I've strolled with a friend and their baby, and it was so surreal.  I was cracking up at myself but I was like "Jen...I'm having a moment!  I'm actually strolling MY BABY with you while you are strollIng YOUR BABY!"  HAHA!  We had such a good time visiting and both kids fell was great!  The weather has been SO YUCKY here lately, so to have a day of sunshine and to get out and meet a friend and walk and enjoy the was wonderful!

On another note...Brynn is doing so well during the day.  Knock on wood, but she goes down for naps like a pro, and wakes up happy and pretty alert.  It is so fun to see her becoming more active.  She LOVES her activity mat.  In the mornings I'll make my bed and fold laundry while she plays on her mat.  It feels like she is just becoming such a fun little person.  I swear she has smiled several isn't an automatic thing when she sees us yet, but she really looks at us and is starting to follow us more with her eyes and gets little happy faces.  It is too cute! 

HOWEVER...this fun little person doesn't like going to bed! HAHA!  For about the last 5 nights she just won't fall asleep on her own.  It is so how can she go down for every nap without hardly any crying, and then just automatically know "It's nighttime...I think I'll cry forEVER and not go to bed!"  We are trying some different things, but thank the Lord for our swing, because she will fall asleep in it (even better than me finally just trying to rock her).  I just don't want her to get in the habit of needing it to fall asleep.  I know she falls asleep on her own all the other times, but after it has happened 5 nights in a row, you get into the thought of "Oh my gosh...what if my child never falls asleep on her own at night?"  We will just continue to swaddle her and try to put her down on her own, and hopefully one of these nights she will eventually not need us or her swing.  I love cuddling her and soothing her, just not when I want to be sleeping at midnight.  =)   

I LOVE my activity mat!  I like hitting and touching the things hooked to the top...and I love to look at the music box that lights up!

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