Wow...on Sunday, May 22 Brynn turned 2 months old! I can't believe she has been our little girl for 2 whole months (and longer in the womb!) It is crazy to think about what our life was like before her. Today she turned 9 weeks old, and we had her 2 month doctor appointment. Here are some special notes about Brynn's second month...
Brynn weighed 11 pounds, 13 oz. and was in the 75% for weight (gained 5 pounds, 2 oz. since birth).
She measured 23.5 inches and was in the 90% for height (grown 4 inches since birth).
Her head circumference was the 50%.
She is wearing size 1 diapers.
She has been sleeping through the night since the middle of week 7. She goes down about 10:30 or 11 and we wake her up at 7 to nurse and start the day.
I think she went through a growth spurt within the last week (and may still be going through it). She was waking up early from all of her naps and wanting to eat so we were feeding her every 2 1/2 hours during the day instead of every 3. That went on for about 3 days, and then she went back to a 3 hour cycle.
She is really starting to smile and coo and make cute little noises. She loves to look at the little animals on her mobile and will almost always smile and watch them circle around. She LOVES her activities mat and likes to watch the music and lights.
I feel like she is such a good, content little baby. Unless she needs to burp or eat she is so content. She will just lay there and look around, sometimes smile or make cute little noises.
Brynn's Typical Day at 2 months old - A typical day according to our schedule goes something like this. I wake her up at 7 and she nurses until about 7:45. We change her and then do some type of "waketime" activity. If Ryan is home we give her a bath, or we may go downstairs and we play on her activities mat. I might fold laundry. We read a little story and I hold her and talk to her. I put her down for a nap around 8:20ish. She goes right down. I have between then and 10 to take a shower, eat breakfast, pump, do my Bible study, etc. Then at 10 I wake her up to nurse. We continue this 3 hour cycle all day. The first 45-50 minutes I nurse, then she is awake and we do some type of "waketime" activity for about 30 or more minutes, and then the last hour and a half of the cycle she naps. During her awake time we might go for a stroll, do errands, read, play on her mat, lay in the mobile, etc. We lay her down for all of her naps swaddled and while she is awake. She goes right down for most of her is amazing how she already knows that when we put her in her crib she is supposed to go to sleep. She rarely fusses when we put her in her crib. So she eats at 7, 10, 1, 4, 7, and then she always wakes up early after this last nap...usually about 9:15 or 9:30 and I go ahead and nurse around 9:30. This last time I nurse with the lights and TV off. I just read a book with my book light. I let her eat several minutes longer at this feeding, and then Ryan burps her for awhile and swaddles her and puts her down for the night. So...this is her general day. Obviously every day is different, and as she has gotten older I feel more comfortable going out and doing errands, eating lunch out, etc.
Brynn - We LOVE YOU SO MUCH and can't imagine our lives without you. We LOVE to cuddle and hold you, read you stories, look at you and play with you, etc. We can't wait to see how you will continue to grow and change. You are such a gift from God!
Brynn at 3 days old...getting ready to come home from the hospital (this picture makes me want to cry...I think she looks so precious, but it also reminds me of the sheer terror I remember feeling when we took this picture. I was excited, but scared to death leaving the hospital). |
Brynn at 1 month |
The big girl at 2 months! |