The last weekend in January my sister and Curt came into town and we had a great weekend hanging out with them. The main reason they came is because that Saturday, my mom, Lindsey, me, and Brynn had a "big girl's day" in Saint Louis. We went shopping, out to eat, and then to see CINDERELLA at the FOX THEATER! It was AWESOME!
Neither Lindsey or Curt had to work on Friday, so they got up really early and were at my mom's house by lunchtime. My mom got Brynn a fancy Cinderella dress, and we pretended like the Fairy Godmother had dropped it off for her. That kind of freaked her out...HA! So for awhile, Emory wore the dress...she looked SO CUTE!
Then we convinced Brynn to try on her awesome dress...she did and Lindsey and I were in silly moods, and found our old prom dresses and tried them on since they were blue like Cinderellas...
On Saturday morning we headed out around 8 am for St Louis. We shopped at Home Goods and TJ Maxx before heading to the Galleria. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory and then shopped for a bit before heading to the theater.
Brynn really loved the restaurant...a couple of days later she kept asking me if we could go back to "The Cheese Factory!" HA!
She liked the way her fries came in a silver cup....
While we were shopping we passed Claires...big mistake. Brynn can recognize that store anywhere. So of course we had to stop in...she could spend YEARS in that store looking at all the necklaces.
She loves gummy bears, so we let her pick out a gummy bear necklace and then we were out of there!
Walking to the Fox...
She loved the building and we kept calling it the "castle theater"....the show was at 2:00 so I honestly wondered if she would fall asleep in the middle of the musical but she was pretty much mesmerized. At the very beginning there was this part where a dragon (who you never see) blows fire out and that scared her a little...she kept leaning over and saying " it almost over?" But once Cinderella came out she was good to go and just loved it!

After the show as we were walking out we had a little "koom-bai-ya" moment. (During the musical there were some AWESOME costume when the lady turns into the Fairy Godmother and when Cinderella's rags turn into her beautiful dress. Well...I had teared up during those parts...something about siting in there with Brynn and watching her watch was just really neat! Well I figured Lindsey would laugh at me if she knew I was crying...HA! So I guess during the show I just turned my head). Well...we walk out and Lindsey says to us "I don't know about you guys but I was getting teary EVERY time her dresses changed!" I said "oh my gosh ME TOO!" And of course my mom started crying and saying "me too" and how special it was that we were all here, etc. It was hilarious!

We left the theater around 4 or 4:30 and spent the next 2 or 3 hours doing a little more shopping. Brynn was SO GOOD...she thought it was so fun helping Lindsey find her clothes and looking for stuff. Then my mom took her to the Disney store and she got to pick out a couple of things so she was in heaven too. We grabbed some McDonalds around 7:30 and by the time Brynn ate and we changed her into her PJ'S she was ZONKED and fell asleep in the car RIGHT away.
It was just SUCH a great day. I didn't know how well Brynn would do with all the shopping and walking around, but she was AWESOME. I couldn't have planned for the day to go ANY better. So thankful for such a special day with these girls!