Last Saturday Ryan, Jason, Alex, and John competed in the Trail of Tears Triathlon. It started at 9, so I grabbed Brynn out of bed, got her loaded in the car, and gave her a bag of cut-up waffles to eat on the drive out there (it's about 25 minutes from our house). We got there in time to see the start of the race, and had so much fun being outside and watching all the people compete. It was such a fall-feeling was a lot cooler than it has been, and the weather just made the day so much fun...that, and watching Ryan compete!
Watching all the people down by the lake...wondering if we would see Daddy before the race started. |
YAY! We got to see him on his way down to the water! |
Some of the people getting ready to start... |
Here is Uncle Jason coming out of the swim portion...he is such a fast swimmer! |
Watching them come out of the swim part is so funny...they are all tired from swimming but trying to run, while also taking off their wet-suits at the same time...HA! |
Then we watched the boys head off on the biking portion, and knew we had between 45 minutes and an hour to just kill some time while we waited for them to switch from the bike to the run. Luckily there was a little playground nearby, so we played and enjoyed the fall weather!
One of her favorite words right now is "poop." There was bird poop in the other swing, so I told her we couldn't swing in that one. So the whole time she was swinging she kept pointing to that swing and saying "poop, poop." |
Then it was time to head back over to the transition area and watch the boys come in off the bikes. She LOVED watching the bikes. She kept saying "more, more!"
Didn't get a picture of Jason coming in on his bike, but did snap one on his way to starting the run. |
Let me tell ya...I know you guys are all jealous of this hunk in this super-hot biking outfit...I mean, that, what can I say? HA! NOT! Most of you know that I DO NOT find this gear very attractive...sorry Ryan! |
Then since the finish line was in a different area of the park, we had to take a shuttle ride to the end. We saw Ryan run across the line but I didn't get a good picture of it. Way to go Ryan! We are proud of you...even if you didn't beat your brother! HA! (Oh those boys are so competitive...actually Ryan has been a pretty good sport about it, which makes me even more proud of him. If my sister kept beating me I don't know if I would still like her...JUST KIDDING!)
When Charli showed up, Brynn was enamored of course! |
Checking out the race results with Daddy and all the boys. |
The finish area also had a park, so we had lots of fun watching people finish the race and playing! We even had lunch at the park...yummy! |
Watching Ryan get his medal. Woohoo...can't wait for him to want to put this somewhere in the house! I have to hide this stuff because he seriously wants to keep it out, and plastic trophies and medals just do not go with our decor theme! HA! |
We really had such a good time watching the race! Sarah and I give Ryan and Jason a lot of grief (all in good fun...most of the time) about how they work out too much and too early in the morning, but hanging out and seeing Brynn enjoy watching the race made it a little bit okay that his alarm clock goes off at 5 am! HA!