I have been meaning to write about Brynn's first visit to the ER for almost two weeks! Two Tuesdays ago we were at my parents house visiting with my grandparents. I hadn't gone to school that day because I had some weird stomach virus thing that I won't go into detail about...anyway...I could hardly get off the couch all day, but by dinnertime I was feeling much better and figured I'd go say hi to my grandparents. I started feeling yucky again, so I just went upstairs to lay down. Ryan and Brynn were playing in a different room and I heard her start yelling and crying. She is a bit of a daredevil, and is ALWAYS getting a new bruise here or there, so I wasn't too worried. But she KEPT crying...so I came out of the bedroom and asked what happened. She had just fallen weird on her arm, but after 30 minutes of her crying and acting NOT AT ALL like herself, we knew something was up. (And sidenote...by this point I guess my mother instinct had kicked in and I couldn't even remember that I felt bad!) She WOULD NOT MOVE her arm and kept holding it weird. So, we took her to the St. Francis emergency room. It ended up going really smoothly and we didn't have to wait very long. They took some little x-rays and then the doctor came in to talk to us. He felt around on her elbow and jerked it really quick. She DID NOT LIKE THAT, but within 2 minutes she completely quit crying, was back to her happy little self, and fell asleep in my arms. The doctor said she had dislocated the radial head of her elbow (commonly called Nursemaids Elbow) and all he did was pop it back in place! It was so crazy how quickly she changed back into her normal self...I guess it just hurt so bad but that little pop put it back in place! Oddly enough, Ryan also had this when he was little, from his older brother grabbing him by the arm. I think that's how a lot of kids get it (evidently it's pretty common) but Brynn happened to just land on it funny. Anyway - that was our first trip to the ER, and hopefully we won't have to be there again anytime soon!
Here are some pictures from a BBQ we went to a couple of weekends ago. Ryan's triathlon training group had a little get together at Sarah's family cabin. We (and by we, I should say THE GIRLS...because all of the boys got back almost 2 hours later than they should have) ate and visited and had fun watching the kids play together.
Alex, Brynn, and Ansley |
Somebody is a little obsessed with eating strawberries... lately she will grab them and try to stuff the whole thing in her mouth! I guess she thought no one was looking... |
She still can't just sit all by herself and eat yet, but she's getting closer. I can't imagine what it will be like when she can just sit at the kids table and not really need me to cut her food into tiny little bites, etc. |
The guys FINALLY made it back...they had called us and said "I guess you guys can go ahead and eat without us" to which we replied "We already ate an HOUR ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your children were STARVING!" But I guess that's just MEN for you! |